I've had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for just over a year, but only got the diagnosis six months ago, so I've only started listening to my body. I have all the usual symptoms, the tiredness, joint pain, muscular pain, brain fog (Only just started having this, not very pleasant!).
I also have some other symptoms that not everyone has, like fainting on occasions, loss of appetite (Especially when I relapse), cold hands and feet and I can't control my body temperature. I normally end up having to wear shorts in winter because I get so hot. I have also lost weight (Most people I talk to with CFS say they put on weight).
Anyway enough about the medical side, even though I have all these symptoms I don't let it bring me down (I do have the occasional bad day, don't we all?) I try and keep positive, because even though I have this illness there are some things in life that are going right for me. I am currently learning to drive and I can manage one, two hour lesson a week. I am lucky that I am able to go out (For example going to town, meeting friends for a meal).
There are some things not going so well in life, school is one, I'm in my last year, but I'm struggling because I've already lost four months. The school is very supportive which has been a great help. Even if I have to do another year I'm determined to get my A-levels.
I try and pace myself as much as I can otherwise I relapse (Not a nice thing). I would say I am currently around 65-70% I used to be 75% but have since relapsed. I am trying to get back to 75% now though. One day I believe I will get better, as I know people who have.