I have always been an active person. I love the countryside and the sea. As a child I was labelled as 'hyperactive' and was always up to something be it building go carts or climbing trees. I was a proper 'Tom-boy'. My family life as a child
I had a very active childhood, always doing some activity or another dragging my mum in-between dancing to gymnastics to brownies and so on. There wasn't a day that went by without me going off to some sort
I was admitted to Scarborough General Hospital in 2005 as a totally bedridden 33-year-old woman with ME/CFS when things got too rough for my mum and she was worried that
I thought I would share my journey with you all. Looking back at it now it has been a bit of a roller coaster ride that does not seem to be finishing yet!
I have always needed more sleep than most people I know and been susceptible to every infection going. I always put this down to my asthma and the high levels
I was diagnosed with M.E. in 1990 only a couple of months after showing symptoms, thanks to my parents obvious concern and my Mum's research skills. The diagnosis came from a homeopathic doctor, as my GP thought I was making it up to spend
I was a very healthy 50 year old working for the NHS in a clinical role as a Operating Department Practitioner. This meant working shift patterns and on call rota's, so most weeks for at least